Jiaxuan Li

I am a senior undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, passionate about sustainable air transportation and aerospace technology. My interest focuses on transformative solutions in urban mobility with eVTOL systems—combining innovative design, intelligent flight control, and sustainable engineering.

To date, medium-range travel (100-500 km) remains underserved, with noticeable discomfort and inefficiencies. To address this gap, I have spent the past two years developing a scaled-down eVTOL demonstrator, envisioning a vehicle compatible with standard open sky parking spaces. With optimized aerodynamics and flight configuration, my goal is to create a practical and sustainable vehicle for most environments.

Having achieved significant milestones, I still view my progress as only the beginning. I am committed to pushing the boundaries of urban aerial mobility, blending innovation, sustainability, and practicality to shape the future of transportation.

Selected Projects

  • Dynamical simulations in Unity to validate engine force distribution, feedback control and automatic hovering.
  • Developed testing tools and safety software verification platforms for robust testing environment.
  • Created three design iterations of the prototype aircraft in 8:1 scale, refining aerodynamics, engine placement, and general configuration.
  • Designed a 3D printable 3-Bearing Swivel Nozzle.
  • Highly compact design to incorporarte the use of micro servos.
  • Minimal deviation of midsection from the engine centerline.
  • Compatible with most 64mm EDFs.
  • Designed a 3D printable, fully modular model UAV.
  • Highly compact design to incorporarte the use of micro servos.
  • Minimal deviation of midsection from the engine centerline.
  • Compatible with most 64mm EDFs.

Misc. engineering projects:

  • A modular RC powered glider of conventional configuration.
  • 3D curvature-guided loft design exercise.


  • Steady-state & time dependent simulations on important equipment in chemical engineering.
  • Applied Large Eddy Simulations where applicable (e.g. modeling excessive mixing in stirred reactors)
  • Multiphase flow using Level-Set and Phase Field methods for discrete species.
  • Moving mesh/domain for time dependent simulations involving rotating machinery.
  • Integration of fluid flow, heat transfer, and multiphase flow in the study of stirred reactors.